Saturday, July 18, 2009

Friday, April 10, 2009


Radford Jewellery is an established Fashion Jewellery Company supplying into the UK and throughout the world.We specialise in supplying the 'wholesale volume trade', store groups and multiple retailers.
Our extensive range is continually being renewed and at any given time we have over 3000 items to view under their respective categories.

Thursday, April 9, 2009


This well crafted statue of Maitreya Buddha is a future Buddha who is expected to come to earth from Tushita Heaven.Copper alloy with full gold repousse.
Height: 9.5
Height: 15 "
Weight:1500 gm
Weight:4000 gm
Price: US$ 266.67
Price: US$ 773.33

Jewellery Design's Of God

Buddha statue is called in Sanskrit a "Buddharupa". Buddha Statues represent “the form of an Enlightened One the idol of the Buddhist religions. The primary role of Buddha statues are to convey the calm feelings that reflect ones proper mental discipline as having the control over the negative emotions of fear and greed.
Buddha statues are shown in various poses and forms .While Buddha Statue come in a wide variety of poses, the most common is the Buddha in Lotus Position. This is a position of meditation that symbolizes perfect balance of thought and tranquility. Many Buddha statues sit on a pedestal in the form of a lotus blossom. The lotus represents the Buddha Mind because, though growing in mire, it puts forth beautiful, immaculate flowers. There are different kinds of mudra and postures Buddha statues can be found. Buddha statues symbolize protection and peace in one's home or garden. Place Buddha statues in central areas in your home or office for daily inspirational and as an reminder of our own capacity to achieve the good life.

Friday, March 27, 2009


Designer Gemstone Necklaces
We bring unmatched collection of designer gemstone necklaces that have alluring designs to suit different fashion requirements. This inimitable collection is beyond any comparison due to its dazzling designs and quality assurance. The rarest gemstones are used in these necklaces that exhibit brilliant colours and other peculiarities. Our erudite designers and skilled artisans skillfully combine the gemstones in creative patterns to craft beautiful necklaces.
Emerald Necklaces
Exclusive Designer Necklaces
Pearl Necklaces
Ruby Necklaces
Sapphire Necklaces
Semi-Precious Gemstone Necklaces
Tanzanite Necklaces


Bihar Panchami

On this auspicious day the unreachable came in reach! The invisible became visible! The Supreme Lord, incomprehensible by all human endeavor and knowledge, won over by dedication, humility and love of his devotees appeared to them in person. Here goes the story.

Swami Haridas, who was no other than Lalita sakhi of the inner consortium of Lord; constantly and continuously meditated on Nitya Ras and Nitya Bihar of Lord at Nitya Vrindavan. His way of Sadhna was to compose and sing songs in the praise of Lord. While on earth, living in a mortal state, he maintained his regular participation in the Nitya Bihar and always enjoyed the pleasure of closeness of Lord. He chose a secluded and dense forest area in Nidhivan as his gateway to the Nitya Bihar and was mostly sitting there, singing, meditating and surfing in the ocean of eternal bliss.

His disciples wanted to know what was so special about that particular place. His nephew and principal disciple Vithal (Veethal) Vipul Dev expressed the collective desire of all to Swamiji. Swamiji advised them to concentrate on their Sadhana and assured of revealing the Nitya Vihar at the right moment. So one day, which happened to be the birth day of Vithal Vipul, Swamiji called all of them and asked them to enter the Kunj. Vithal Vipul led the group of disciples to the interior of the kunj, but instead of seeing anything they were almost blinded by a bright, intense light, which seemed to fill the whole place. Astonished, they all went to swamiji and counted their strange experience that the seemingly dark interiors of the kunj were so intensely illuminated. Swamiji smiled, bowed to the master of the universe and he took the group to the kunj. The group of devotees sat there with an earnest desire to know the secret of the place. Swamiji prayed, the disciples followed the Guru, their eyes fixed on the kunj – they never knew what was in stock for them. They only had a faint idea – time had probably come that they may have a darshan of Nitya Vihar. And then moved by their dedication and grace of Swamiji, lord appeared in person with his divine consort, pleasantly smiling and in a playful mood, casting a spell of charm on every living being present there. Those who witnessed this, were so spell bounded by the divine beauty of the Lord and his consort, that they couldn’t even blink their eyes, it seemed that all of them had turned into statues.

Swamiji almost instantaneously sang:

Mai ri sahaj jori pragat bhai ju rang ki gaur syam ghan damini jaisen
Pratham hun huti ab hun aagen hun rahihai na tarihai taisain
Ang ang ki ujraii sugharaii chaturaii sunderta aisain
Shri Haridas ke swami syama kunjbihari sam vais vaisain

The central idea of the song is: look, the eternal, natural couple has appeared. They appear like lightening in dark clouds. Also the couple is constant in nature, that it exists in all the times and can not be changed by any means. Their charm and wisdom, the glow and shapeliness of the limbs is beyond any comparison i.e. they are like themselves only. Swami Haridas says that my lords Syama- Kunjbihari, though beyond birth, death and aging, are of the same age (kishore). At a different place Swami Haridas writes:

Mere nitya kishore ajanma

That is, my ever young lord is birth less.

So, this eternal couple granted an image of themselves embodying the same charm and beauty to Swami Haridas ji for the posterity. This image is revered as a living god and called by different names: Bihariji, Bankey Bihari ji, Kunj Bihariji and many others at the pleasure of devotees.


Entire premises of Nidhivan as well as the Bankey Bihari temple and surroundings are tastefully decorated with flowers, Patakas (flags), hangings and lights on this occasion.

Main celebrations of this day start at Shri Bankey Bihari ji Prakatya Sthal (place of appearance) in Nidhivan. Abhishek is conducted at this place early in the morning, the ceremony is conducted in full public view. In this process the symbolic footprints of Shri Bankey Bihari ji Maharaj is given a ceremonial bath by milk, curd, honey, ghee and water. After the abhishek, the place is decorated as usual with fine cloths with frills, flowers and jewellery for this special occasion. The panchamrit Prasad (i.e. Prasad of abhishek, a mix of milk, curd, honey, ghee and water) is distributed among the devotees.

Later in the morning a grand procession is taken out from Nidhivan to the Shri Bankey Bihari temple. The procession consists of several brass bands, other musical performing groups, decorated elephants, high flags and keertan groups. It is headed by three decorated chariots housing the images of Swami Shri Haridasji, Shri Vithal (Veethal) Vipul Devji and Shri Goswami Jagannathji Maharaj (Goswami Jagannathji Maharaj was one of the principal disciple and younger brother of Swami Haridas ji to whom he handed over the responsibility of regular Sewa of Shri Bankey Bihari ji. The sewayat Goswamis at the temple are his descendents). Devotees from far and near form their own keertan mandalis and become part of the procession. The spirit behind the procession is being – Swami Shri Haridasji along with his principal disciples going to greet Shri Bankey Bihari ji Maharaj on this auspicious occasion.

The procession passes through main bazaars of Vrindavan to reach Shri Bankey Bihari temple by the time of Rajbhog (12 in the noon). Images of saints are taken inside the temple and then Rajbhog is offered to Bihariji. Devotees believe that Bihariji enjoys the meals offered by Swami Haridas ji by his own hands, sitting in his lap on this day. After Rajbhog Arti, at the end of celebrations Prasad is distributed among the devotees.

Jai Shri Banke Bihari !! Jai Shri Swami Haridas !!

Thursday, March 26, 2009


1: Warning: Tricky Jewellers Are On The Loose
When on a quest for that perfect diamond ring for your partner, be very careful. There are jewellers who seem to be harmless but they can be a total scam. This is very true with diamond rings. Some jewellers are good enough to make you believe their diamonds are genuine. Don't be a victim; learn how to identify genuine diamonds and how to avoid the jewellers tricks.2: How To Make Her Say Yes During Your Wedding Proposal
Even if you think your girlfriend will say yes to your wedding proposal, there is still no guarantee unless she has actually said it. The result of the wedding proposal will confirm your engagement. There are cases when some couples have gone through years together but the girl says no during the proposal. Here are tips to ensure that you get her sweet 'YES'.3: Which Wedding Jewelry Pieces Should You Wear?
As a bride, you want the elements of your wedding ensemble to complement and enhance your natural beauty, not compete for attention. That is why most experts recommend wearing simple wedding jewelry sets. What should your jewelry ensemble consist of? That depends on your hair and dress. Here are some tips to help you pull it all together.4: 8 Tips for Finding Cheap Wedding Jewelry
If you are like most brides you have unplanned wedding expenses and must somehow reduce the budget. Fortunately, you can find a variety of wedding jewelry for less than you thought possible. Here are eight tips for doing so.5: Planning Your Wedding Jewelry
Suggestions on how to plan your jewelry on the Big Day!6: Designer engagement ring: Make your day extra special
The beauty of diamond lasts forever. Diamond is the best gift that you can gift to your would-be-wife or girlfriend. Diamond engagement ring is the most prized possession for a girl. Diamond engagement rings come in different shapes, sizes, and price ranges. You can go for the traditional solitaire, which comes in many different cuts. Diamonds can be heart shaped too.7: Bridal Jewelry: Common Mistakes
The following is a list of mistakes that brides should be careful to avoid when choosing bridal jewelry.8: Jewelry is a momentous component to most weddings
Jewelry is a momentous component to most weddings. In fact, many couples introduce the idea of getting married with an engagement ring and they seal the deal with a set of wedding bands.9: The Wedding Guest Attire Guide
Floating pearl necklace jewelry is currently the one of the hot fashion statement available in different style.10: Old, New, Borrowed, And Blue: Fresh Ideas For A Wedding Fashion Tradition
Everyone has heard the age-old saying, "Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue". These items are supposed to bring a bride good luck and happiness in her marriage. You can incorporate these things into your wedding in many creative ways.