Monday, February 2, 2009

Fashion Jewellery

Fashion jewelry is also called costume jewelry, mainly for the reason that it is not made of precious metals and stones, rather lighter and cheaper material are used. Fashion jewelry is trend-conscious and keeps on changing as per changing needs. For those who are open to experimentation with new and unusual designs, shapes and colours, costume jewelry offers plethora of choices. Rather than using precious ingredients, like gold, silver, platinum and white gold, fashion jewelry designers use cheap products, like jute, leather, peppier mache, bakelite plastic, wood, bone, stone, oxidized metal, horn, lac, terracotta, etc. Fashion jewelry is almost like an imitation of real jewelry and has been considered cheaper copy of the latter. It is widely available and is pretty light-weight, which forms one of its USP also. The process of making costume jewellery is such that its look deceives for original and authentic version. In place of precious stones, artificial stones, such as cubic zirconia and rhinestones, are used. Such jewelry is available in several colors and looks very attractive. At the same time, it's readily available and has economical prices. In India also, the concept of fashion jewelry is very much prevalent, especially amongst the college going teenagers. Since the prices are cheap, they can get a wide variety and also keep up with the changing fashion. Indian fashion jewelry industry is growing in quantum, patronized mainly by the youngsters. Following are the most popular products forming a part of the costume jewelry of India.
Spiral bangles and rings
Glass beads, strung on nylon
Chunky tribal jewelry
Surgical steel jewelry
Ornaments with symbols and messages
Charm jewelry, such as mood rings, charm bracelets and others.
Tattoo jewelry
Chandelier earrings
Sterling silver jewelry, studded with artificial stones
Abstract jewelry
Body piercing jewelry

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