Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Jewellery Of Meghalaya

Jewellery of Meghalaya
The khasis and jaintias of Meghalaya are fond of Gold jewellery and coral bead necklaces. The thick string of red coral beads worn by them during festive occasions is called the paila while the pendant they wear, called kynjri ksiar, is made of 24-carat gold.Skillfully crafted ornaments of gold, silver and gilt beads form part of Meghalaya's rich dancing costumes. The gold beads are hollow spheres filled with lac. Most of these ornaments like amulets, bracelets, necklaces and anklets as well as costumes are decorated exquisitely with diamond like crystal which are manufactured locally. The thin fluted stems of glass strung with fine thread are fancied by the Garo ladies who wear the necklace called the Rigitok.

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