Saturday, July 18, 2009

Friday, April 10, 2009


Radford Jewellery is an established Fashion Jewellery Company supplying into the UK and throughout the world.We specialise in supplying the 'wholesale volume trade', store groups and multiple retailers.
Our extensive range is continually being renewed and at any given time we have over 3000 items to view under their respective categories.

Thursday, April 9, 2009


This well crafted statue of Maitreya Buddha is a future Buddha who is expected to come to earth from Tushita Heaven.Copper alloy with full gold repousse.
Height: 9.5
Height: 15 "
Weight:1500 gm
Weight:4000 gm
Price: US$ 266.67
Price: US$ 773.33

Jewellery Design's Of God

Buddha statue is called in Sanskrit a "Buddharupa". Buddha Statues represent “the form of an Enlightened One the idol of the Buddhist religions. The primary role of Buddha statues are to convey the calm feelings that reflect ones proper mental discipline as having the control over the negative emotions of fear and greed.
Buddha statues are shown in various poses and forms .While Buddha Statue come in a wide variety of poses, the most common is the Buddha in Lotus Position. This is a position of meditation that symbolizes perfect balance of thought and tranquility. Many Buddha statues sit on a pedestal in the form of a lotus blossom. The lotus represents the Buddha Mind because, though growing in mire, it puts forth beautiful, immaculate flowers. There are different kinds of mudra and postures Buddha statues can be found. Buddha statues symbolize protection and peace in one's home or garden. Place Buddha statues in central areas in your home or office for daily inspirational and as an reminder of our own capacity to achieve the good life.

Friday, March 27, 2009


Designer Gemstone Necklaces
We bring unmatched collection of designer gemstone necklaces that have alluring designs to suit different fashion requirements. This inimitable collection is beyond any comparison due to its dazzling designs and quality assurance. The rarest gemstones are used in these necklaces that exhibit brilliant colours and other peculiarities. Our erudite designers and skilled artisans skillfully combine the gemstones in creative patterns to craft beautiful necklaces.
Emerald Necklaces
Exclusive Designer Necklaces
Pearl Necklaces
Ruby Necklaces
Sapphire Necklaces
Semi-Precious Gemstone Necklaces
Tanzanite Necklaces


Bihar Panchami

On this auspicious day the unreachable came in reach! The invisible became visible! The Supreme Lord, incomprehensible by all human endeavor and knowledge, won over by dedication, humility and love of his devotees appeared to them in person. Here goes the story.

Swami Haridas, who was no other than Lalita sakhi of the inner consortium of Lord; constantly and continuously meditated on Nitya Ras and Nitya Bihar of Lord at Nitya Vrindavan. His way of Sadhna was to compose and sing songs in the praise of Lord. While on earth, living in a mortal state, he maintained his regular participation in the Nitya Bihar and always enjoyed the pleasure of closeness of Lord. He chose a secluded and dense forest area in Nidhivan as his gateway to the Nitya Bihar and was mostly sitting there, singing, meditating and surfing in the ocean of eternal bliss.

His disciples wanted to know what was so special about that particular place. His nephew and principal disciple Vithal (Veethal) Vipul Dev expressed the collective desire of all to Swamiji. Swamiji advised them to concentrate on their Sadhana and assured of revealing the Nitya Vihar at the right moment. So one day, which happened to be the birth day of Vithal Vipul, Swamiji called all of them and asked them to enter the Kunj. Vithal Vipul led the group of disciples to the interior of the kunj, but instead of seeing anything they were almost blinded by a bright, intense light, which seemed to fill the whole place. Astonished, they all went to swamiji and counted their strange experience that the seemingly dark interiors of the kunj were so intensely illuminated. Swamiji smiled, bowed to the master of the universe and he took the group to the kunj. The group of devotees sat there with an earnest desire to know the secret of the place. Swamiji prayed, the disciples followed the Guru, their eyes fixed on the kunj – they never knew what was in stock for them. They only had a faint idea – time had probably come that they may have a darshan of Nitya Vihar. And then moved by their dedication and grace of Swamiji, lord appeared in person with his divine consort, pleasantly smiling and in a playful mood, casting a spell of charm on every living being present there. Those who witnessed this, were so spell bounded by the divine beauty of the Lord and his consort, that they couldn’t even blink their eyes, it seemed that all of them had turned into statues.

Swamiji almost instantaneously sang:

Mai ri sahaj jori pragat bhai ju rang ki gaur syam ghan damini jaisen
Pratham hun huti ab hun aagen hun rahihai na tarihai taisain
Ang ang ki ujraii sugharaii chaturaii sunderta aisain
Shri Haridas ke swami syama kunjbihari sam vais vaisain

The central idea of the song is: look, the eternal, natural couple has appeared. They appear like lightening in dark clouds. Also the couple is constant in nature, that it exists in all the times and can not be changed by any means. Their charm and wisdom, the glow and shapeliness of the limbs is beyond any comparison i.e. they are like themselves only. Swami Haridas says that my lords Syama- Kunjbihari, though beyond birth, death and aging, are of the same age (kishore). At a different place Swami Haridas writes:

Mere nitya kishore ajanma

That is, my ever young lord is birth less.

So, this eternal couple granted an image of themselves embodying the same charm and beauty to Swami Haridas ji for the posterity. This image is revered as a living god and called by different names: Bihariji, Bankey Bihari ji, Kunj Bihariji and many others at the pleasure of devotees.


Entire premises of Nidhivan as well as the Bankey Bihari temple and surroundings are tastefully decorated with flowers, Patakas (flags), hangings and lights on this occasion.

Main celebrations of this day start at Shri Bankey Bihari ji Prakatya Sthal (place of appearance) in Nidhivan. Abhishek is conducted at this place early in the morning, the ceremony is conducted in full public view. In this process the symbolic footprints of Shri Bankey Bihari ji Maharaj is given a ceremonial bath by milk, curd, honey, ghee and water. After the abhishek, the place is decorated as usual with fine cloths with frills, flowers and jewellery for this special occasion. The panchamrit Prasad (i.e. Prasad of abhishek, a mix of milk, curd, honey, ghee and water) is distributed among the devotees.

Later in the morning a grand procession is taken out from Nidhivan to the Shri Bankey Bihari temple. The procession consists of several brass bands, other musical performing groups, decorated elephants, high flags and keertan groups. It is headed by three decorated chariots housing the images of Swami Shri Haridasji, Shri Vithal (Veethal) Vipul Devji and Shri Goswami Jagannathji Maharaj (Goswami Jagannathji Maharaj was one of the principal disciple and younger brother of Swami Haridas ji to whom he handed over the responsibility of regular Sewa of Shri Bankey Bihari ji. The sewayat Goswamis at the temple are his descendents). Devotees from far and near form their own keertan mandalis and become part of the procession. The spirit behind the procession is being – Swami Shri Haridasji along with his principal disciples going to greet Shri Bankey Bihari ji Maharaj on this auspicious occasion.

The procession passes through main bazaars of Vrindavan to reach Shri Bankey Bihari temple by the time of Rajbhog (12 in the noon). Images of saints are taken inside the temple and then Rajbhog is offered to Bihariji. Devotees believe that Bihariji enjoys the meals offered by Swami Haridas ji by his own hands, sitting in his lap on this day. After Rajbhog Arti, at the end of celebrations Prasad is distributed among the devotees.

Jai Shri Banke Bihari !! Jai Shri Swami Haridas !!

Thursday, March 26, 2009


1: Warning: Tricky Jewellers Are On The Loose
When on a quest for that perfect diamond ring for your partner, be very careful. There are jewellers who seem to be harmless but they can be a total scam. This is very true with diamond rings. Some jewellers are good enough to make you believe their diamonds are genuine. Don't be a victim; learn how to identify genuine diamonds and how to avoid the jewellers tricks.2: How To Make Her Say Yes During Your Wedding Proposal
Even if you think your girlfriend will say yes to your wedding proposal, there is still no guarantee unless she has actually said it. The result of the wedding proposal will confirm your engagement. There are cases when some couples have gone through years together but the girl says no during the proposal. Here are tips to ensure that you get her sweet 'YES'.3: Which Wedding Jewelry Pieces Should You Wear?
As a bride, you want the elements of your wedding ensemble to complement and enhance your natural beauty, not compete for attention. That is why most experts recommend wearing simple wedding jewelry sets. What should your jewelry ensemble consist of? That depends on your hair and dress. Here are some tips to help you pull it all together.4: 8 Tips for Finding Cheap Wedding Jewelry
If you are like most brides you have unplanned wedding expenses and must somehow reduce the budget. Fortunately, you can find a variety of wedding jewelry for less than you thought possible. Here are eight tips for doing so.5: Planning Your Wedding Jewelry
Suggestions on how to plan your jewelry on the Big Day!6: Designer engagement ring: Make your day extra special
The beauty of diamond lasts forever. Diamond is the best gift that you can gift to your would-be-wife or girlfriend. Diamond engagement ring is the most prized possession for a girl. Diamond engagement rings come in different shapes, sizes, and price ranges. You can go for the traditional solitaire, which comes in many different cuts. Diamonds can be heart shaped too.7: Bridal Jewelry: Common Mistakes
The following is a list of mistakes that brides should be careful to avoid when choosing bridal jewelry.8: Jewelry is a momentous component to most weddings
Jewelry is a momentous component to most weddings. In fact, many couples introduce the idea of getting married with an engagement ring and they seal the deal with a set of wedding bands.9: The Wedding Guest Attire Guide
Floating pearl necklace jewelry is currently the one of the hot fashion statement available in different style.10: Old, New, Borrowed, And Blue: Fresh Ideas For A Wedding Fashion Tradition
Everyone has heard the age-old saying, "Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue". These items are supposed to bring a bride good luck and happiness in her marriage. You can incorporate these things into your wedding in many creative ways.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Traditional Indian Jewellery

During the ancient ages Indian Gods and Goddesses are crafted with rich and ornate temple jewelry, a trend still existent. Eventually those intricate filigree designs of Indian jewelry were being sported with by the women folk and it got absorbed into the bridal trousseau and worn on special occasions. The traditional Indian jewelry could be branched into three categories – spiritual, bridal wear and temple jewelry. But with the flow of time all of them merged into one and took the form of Indian fashion jewelry. Indian fashion jewelry was given a royal patronage from the ancient times. But it reached its highest peak during the Mughal era. Men usually are the goldsmiths in India, traditionally, and a variety of names were given to them as per the region they belong to. Fashion jewelry in India is being made for almost every part of the body, ranging from the ‘tika’ for the forehead to the ring for the toe, a testimony to the love of jewelry and to the splendid skills of the Indian jewelers. In a broader aspect, jewelry in India was being handcrafted not only for humans but also for the ceremonial elephants and horses.In the modern era Indian fashion jewelry is creating a new history for itself. Indian fashion jewelry is a rage among the recent generation and despite the tag of ‘feminine’ being attached to jewelry, both guys and gals are sporting with funky and traditional Indian jewelry. Be it the bold thumb rings or the sleek ear and nose rings, be it purely ethnic or purely funky Indian fashion jewelry is gearing its speed, expanding its domain at its best. The common motifs in the traditional Indian jewelry were inspired by mythology and despite the fickle dictates fashion they remain essentially the same today. However, modern Indian jewelers are experimenting with a wide range of design, representing many things – love of nature and animals, spiritual beings, history, humor…..imagination at its best. An important landmark in the history of Indian fashion jewelry is the expansion of the domain of raw materials used in its making. Besides gold and other metal jewelry, jute, beads, stones, conch shells, wood, plant seeds, etc are also used in the making of Indian fashion jewelry. These are setting a new trend in the modern fashion scenario…..befitting jewelries with the kind of attire you put on, be it funky or traditional. Indian fashion jewelry is much more than just a tool of aesthetic appeal: rather it is a symbol of divine abundance and material blessings, tinged with fashion, updated with each passing day. A trend that started at the beginning of the civilization, may be at a more remote past, has been going strong till date and will definitely create new ripples in the near future with some more fusions, bifurcations, improvisations and new imaginations…..a new history of Indian fashion jewellery on the making.

Saturday, March 21, 2009


If you don't see what you want, a real jeweler can find it or make it for you. If it's something simple, you might find it in the catalogs from your jeweler's suppliers and it can be special ordered for you. And most jewelers also offer custom jewelry, with your choice of design and gemstones. You can remake an old piece that you don't wear or make your jewelry dream design come true. It's up to you, with the help of your jeweler.


Your jeweler personally selects each piece of jewelry and each gemstone in his or her cases. They don't sell merchandise from some central warehouse. They sell only what they themselves carefully select. That means that your jeweler has unrivaled quality control. When a mass merchant buys thousands of items, often deliveries are only spot-checked. Since your jeweler cares enough to look carefully at every jewelry piece before buying it, shouldn't you? If you buy from a web site or from TV, the piece you receive may not be what you are expecting. At your local jeweler you can compare different pieces side by side, see the difference diamond qualities make, and also try on jewelry before you buy


Your jeweler is an authorized dealer for all the brands he carries. This is especially important for watch brands, since gray market watches are often not covered by warranties. The makers of top brands know that your local jeweler will stand behind their products with the right kind of product education and after-sales support. As authorized dealers, they also have access to the latest, most in-demand styles of the season. In addition, your jeweler is as fussy about brands as he is quality.


When you buy from a mass merchant, the person behind the counter might have sold auto parts or ice cream the week before. When you buy from a real jeweler, you will get good advice from a professional, someone who eats, breathes, and sleeps jewelry. Jewelers have gemological training, read professional journals to keep up to date, travel to trade fairs and seminars, and learn all about the products they offer. They can help you be an educated buyer and choose the jewelry that is right for your lifestyle.


You might be surprised at how competitive your jeweler can be. Even many small local jewelers belong to powerful buying groups. These groups magnify the individual jeweler's buying power by assuring him the same favorable prices given to mass merchants. So you get the best of both worlds: the personal, knowledgeable attention of a real jeweler and the bulk-rate prices of the larger, more impersonal chains. Don't be fooled by the deceptive 80 percent off offers that clog your mailbox. Your jeweler offers you honest value every day.


Not only does your jeweler care about you, but he or she cares about your jewelry, too! Cleaning rings, bracelets, necklaces, and earrings keeps them beautiful. Bring in your rings every year or two to have the prongs checked to make sure that you never lose a gemstone. Many stores offer this as a free service to customers. Only your jeweler cares to make sure that your jewelry stays beautiful forever.


You are important to your jeweler: a friend and neighbor, an individual, not just a face in the crowd. Your jeweler will remember your anniversary and will even know which style your spouse tried on during a recent visit. Your jeweler can suggest some earrings to match a necklace you bought last year. When you take a big step in your life, like become engaged or celebrate the birth of a child, your jeweler understands how important it is to make the moment match the emotion and can help you personalize your purchase.


In a world where mass production and volume retail is becoming more common, many people settle for cookie-cutter jewelry. Volume retailers order every style by the thousands. You'll see anything you buy there over and over, even when you travel to other towns. But when you buy from your local jeweler, you can choose styles that have been hand selected just for your individual taste. Many jewelers keep individual customers in mind when they go on buying trips. They may select one particular item just for you. You receive individual service that you can never get from a mass merchant.


As we get older, we sometimes get larger, too. A real jeweler will make sure your jewelry grows with you by resizing your rings and adding links to bracelets, necklaces, and watches. If you become very successful later in life, you may want to upgrade an engagement ring, without replacing it, by adding a match to your original center diamond and a larger center diamond between them. Your relationship with your jeweler will last a lifetime. In fact, for many families, it stretches for generations.


Buying jewelry is all about trust. You can trust your local jeweler, because he or she is an active part of your community. Most jewelers support local charities and volunteer their time to support local causes. They are there for you and your neighbors and will serve you above and beyond what a big corporation would because they know that word of mouth is the lifeblood of a local business. Make sure when you have a good experience, you tell your friends, too!


The luxurious appeal of jewelry box always captivate any attention, both men and women loved its exquisiteness. This accessory was typically bought with the purpose of keeping valuable jewelries safe and secure. You can find most women buying this items compared to men.- History Of Jewelry Boxes England- Fine Trendy Jewelry England- How To Select Silver Jewelry England- Buying Diamonds England- Extending The Life Of Jewelry England- The Unique Fashion Jewelry England- Jewelry Traditions Around World England- Belly Button Piercing England- Jewelry As Gifts For Mom England

Friday, March 20, 2009

Jewelry for Indian Bride

Jewelry is of great importance in Indian wedding. Wedding jewelry and Bridal jewelry is an important aspect in any Indian women's life. Be it a necklace set, or a pendant set, bangles, rings, bracelets or earrings, jewelry is a very important part of Indian wedding. Jewelry can be of gold, silver, diamond or platinum depending on your budget and taste. If your budget is high than you can go for designer jewelry and customized jewelry. Jewelry can be of different style depending on the occasion. For pre wedding functions like sangeet, mehendi and engagement you can opt for simple and light jewelry. Go for a gold chain with pendants and earrings in gold, silver and white gold studded with diamonds, precious stones and semi-precious stones. Mainly heavy jewelry is worn on the main wedding day. The bride is adorned with jewelry from head to toe. Nowadays people are opting for fashion jewelry matching with their outfit. People are also customizing their wedding jewelry. For example if you are wearing a red color saree or lehenga than you can wear a gold set with red semi precious on it.Keeping in mind your budget you can choose your jewelries. People from different community prefer different style and kind of jewelry. For example a conventional Punjabi family might prefer chunky or heavy jewelry with colored stones, Marwari's and Sindhi's usually prefers diamonds. Nowadays designer jewelry are available in different textures, different settings, three dimensional designs with geometric shapes, different kinds of metal and finish with diamonds and precious stones and has also experimented with different types of designer glass. Wide varieties of stones are available, which comes in different colors, quality, price and shapes like baguettes, rubies, emeralds, aquamarines, garnet, amethyst, citrine, and sapphires. Today's woman prefers contemporary designs and traditional designs presented in a sleek manner. They go for something trendy and wearable in all occasions and not too heavy and detailed. So next time when you go for jewelry shopping keep in mind the kind of jewelry you want and your budget than accordingly you can make your decision

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Indian Bridal Jewellery

Indian brides wear jewelry sets that are made in gold, be it necklaces, bangles, anklets and earrings. Many a time, the bridal jewelry is set with diamonds and other precious stones. The modern day bride prefers to have some modern wearable items of gold jewelry in her trousseau. Not many would like to be weighed down by heavy jewelry that cannot be worn often and will be more an invitation for thieves. Come the wedding season and you can see crowds thronging the jewelry stores. Indian bridal jewelry has always been considered her 'streedhan' - personal wealth that would stand in good stead in times of need.
Indian jewelry for brides is created to enhance the beauty of the woman. The gentle tinkle of the anklets around delicate feet, a set of jingling bangles on her hands and an exquisitely crafted necklace round her neck - the Indian bride looks resplendent in her finery and colorful profusion. Some bridal ornaments such as waistbands and armlets are seldom worn these days.
Indian bridal jewelry varies from region to region as well as different communities. Precious stones such as jade, garnet, emerald, amethyst, pearl and coral are widely used in Indian bridal jewelry. Stones are said to pass their own special healing touch to the wearer. The precious stones are said to have an effect on one's blood vessels and temperament. Use of navarathnas or nine precious stones can be seen in finger rings and earrings.
The mangal sutra is an important item in the bridal jewelry. This necklace is tied by the husband around the wife's neck as a symbol of their union. This is usually created on a necklace strung with black beads. It is considered a protection against the evil eye. Many a bride makes a few changes to suit her tastes, keeping well within the prescribed parameters.
The conventional gold pendant is often replaced with a diamond. The length of the mangalsutra is one of personal preference. Black beads are sometimes interspersed with gold beads. South Indian brides wear silk saris that are offset by exquisite jewelry in gold. Bridal jewelry encrusted with rubies, emeralds or pearls is popular. The south Indian women wear a thaali as a symbol of their marriage. This is usually in the form of a thick yellow thread with gold pendant.
Brides from Maharashtra wear stings of pearls in a cascade from the temples down to the shoulders, framing the face. The Punjabi bride wears bangles that are made of ivory. The parting of her hair is decorated with a gold ornament called the tikka. Red and green bangles or churas are important in many communities of India. They are given by the bride's mother and it is customary to wear them for about 40 days after the wedding ceremony.
Some churas are set in ivory with inlay work done on them. Toe-rings are another jewelry item that is worn by married women in many parts of the country. The women from Uttar Pradesh and Bihar wear toe-rings called bichwa. Kashmiri women wear a long suspended cord with an ornament from the pierced ears. Brides from Bengal wear the iron kada or bangle called 'loha'. This is artistically encased in gold. A red lac bangle is yet another important bridal jewelry item.
Fine filigree jewelry in silver is a hallmark of the artisans of Orissa and Andhra Pradesh. Filigree work uses silver wires of varying thickness to make geometrical shapes, leaves, flowers and butterflies and birds. Jaipur is famous for enamel work - exquisite bangles and necklaces with colored enamel paneling on crafted gold.
Kundan jewelry also finds favor with many Indian brides.Kundan jewelry is characterized by gems embedded in gold leaf and not rim or claw. This jewelry style is inspired by the Mughals. Temple jewelry from South India is inspired by temple statues and motifs and is usually characterized by red and green semi precious stones. Jewelry in the southern states is inspired by nature - paisley motifs, rice grains, melon seeds, cobra head and birds.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Diamond Dracelets

Diamond bracelets are one of the most sought after fashion jewelry entities and nowadays, the demand regarding beautiful diamond bracelets have risen manifolds.

Diamond Pendants

Diamond pendants are perfect epitome of outstanding craftsmanship. Diamond
pendants have marked their presence of in domestic as well as international market and these pendants have been frequently ruling both the markets with their aesthetic appeal.

A Luxury Market for Haute Jewellery

A Luxury Market for Haute Jewellery:
There are occasions in life when only the best will do and invariably to commemorate a special life event the phrase luxury market and haute jewellery comes to mind. In a world of uncertainty jewellery always gives pleasure. Jewellery is art, wearable art and a high fashion accessory rolled into one.
Jewellery is the perfect gift for birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, births, Mother's Day, Christmas, and Valentine's Day. Tracking down a rare piece easily equates to 'I love you, I value you, I respect you.' Jewels of Ocean know that each piece is an exquisite ornament that will be loved and so great care is taken to ensure the end design is perfection.
Buying the best jewellery you can afford, preferably high quality jewellery of diamonds, emeralds, rubies, sapphires or lustrous South Sea pearls is always a personal investment. Limited designer pieces of note always resell well at auction and some even increase in value.
And if some of these pieces are a little too grand for your lifestyle then perhaps a simple strand of the most exquisite South Sea white or creamy lemon pearls would fulfil most of your daily needs. They would be my choice. You cannot beat the aura of a well groomed gal and pearls are that entry to classic good style.

Jewellery Trends for Spring 2009

Jewellery Trends for Spring 2009 :
History of Jewels of Ocean Haute Jewellery
Jewels of Ocean are world leaders in the design and craftsmanship of fine jewellery. Since its establishment in 1845 in Valenza, Italy, its founders, and their heirs, have worked tirelessly to deliver uncompromising excellence in fine gem pieces.
Jewels of Ocean began as a supplier of precious coloured stones over a century ago. Through its direct relationships with mines worldwide in Colombia, Thailand, Burma, Ceylon and South Africa, it quickly became the leading distributor throughout Western and Eastern Europe.

Jewellery Designing as a Career

The growing market for branded ornaments has led to a demand for a new breed of jewelry designers and other professionals like gem appraisers. With several institutes offering specialized courses in this field, jewelry designing is no longer a family trade but a lucrative career option for first-generation gemologists who can cater to a niche market for custom-made and designer jewelry.Jewellery designing has come out of the closet: It is no longer a cloistered trade carried out by semi-literate goldsmiths in family vaults, passed down like a well-kept secret from generation to generation. Instead, thanks to the advances in technology, it has landed on the drawing board with some firms even using computer-aided designs to create exquisite pieces in virtual reality.
Along with the technological finesse has come a paradigm shift: Jewellery is no longer purchased with only the intrinsic value of gold in mind. The working woman wants trendy and functional trinkets, which can be worn at office, at home and on outings. Says Manikchand, who has been associated with his family jewellery business for two decades, The needs of the working women have largely influenced the worldwide trend in jewellery. On the one hand, a working woman wants to make a fashion statement and, on the other hand, she wants trinkets for regular wear. That in turn has spawned a lifestyle industry and demand for jewellery designers.
There are several institutes offering long-term, short-term and distance learning courses in jewellery designing. Here, the students not only hone their designing skills, but also learn to use a jewelers tools and pick up rudimentary skills like casting, stone cutting, engraving and polishing. They also learn special skills like electroplating, metal colouring, anodising, enamelling, stone setting and silversmithing.
Says B.K. Narula, the man behind the Jewellery Design & Technology Institute, Noida, Despite the technological changes, I stay wedded to the belief that a good designer is one who grasps the fundamentals of manufacturing. Most designers begin their careers as apprentices in jewellery showrooms or in their family businesses; the duration of apprenticeship may depend on their line of specialisation and the nature of appointment. At the entry level, the apprentices are only designing products for the mass market but later they graduate to customised jewellery. Once they have evolved their inimitable style, some like Naina Balsavar Ahmed, former Miss Femina, start their own retail business. Naina, who often falls in love with most of her own creations, operates from an upmarket store in Delhi. Her pieces can cost anything between Rs 600 and a couple of lakhs. Incidentally, design studios that specialise in custom-made jewellery are becoming increasingly popular.Rheas Studio in Mumbai is one such place. It even issues a certificate of originality to the client to assure him that the design will not be repeated. Custom-made jewellery starts at Rs 2 lakh; so you can imagine the kind of money that is there in the profession. The demand for sleek and ready-to wear designer jewellery has, in turn, spurred the demand for cheaper alloys like platinum and gunmetal. Adds Manikchand: These days designers are even ready to experiment with paper, wood, ceramics and plastics. Given the endless possibilities, the designer must understand the metal that he is handling. He will also be immersed in a world full of gems, diamonds, rubies and sapphires, which he should be able to handle with acumen. The ability to identify and rate a good gem or a stone can throw up career option as an appraiser and help one in the retail business, if one is so inclined.
The Delhi-based National Institute of Fashion Technology, the Noida-based JDTI, the Mumbai-based Gemmological Institute of India, the Chennai-based Dr Dhamambal Government Polytechnic for Women and the Surat-based Diamond Institute of India are offering jewellery designing and allied courses.
The Gemological Institute, for instance, is also offering courses in pearl identification and stringing, jewellery casting, diamond grading and gemology. The Chennai-based polytechnic, which has executed a joint project with the World Gold Council, is offering courses in Gold smithing and stone setting. The Surat-based Indian Diamond Institute is conducting PG Diploma and certificate courses in diamonds, coloured gemstones and machine cast jewellery.
Most jewellery designing courses are of six month to two-year duration. The Noida-based JDTI, which plans to open a branch in Chandigarh by year-end, is offering a comprehensive jewellery designing course of six-month duration, basic jewellery designing for three months, a customised jewellery manufacturing course of six months, a gemology course of three months, a diamond grading course of 45 days, a Computer-Aided Designing course of one month, Casting and Stone Setting, Engraving and Enameling, Finishing, Polishing and Electroplating -- all courses of two-week duration.
The JDTI, which happens to be a division of Silver Smith India Ltd, is also offering an Industrial Jewellery Design Solutions certificate programme in Jewellery Retailing of 45 days. The institute also provides six to eight weeks internship to students enrolled in the two-year programme. The fee for a two-year course is Rs. 1.80 lakh and for the short-term courses between Rs. 10,000-15,000. Says Narula, "The JDTI educates and trains people in all aspects of jewellery designing and manufacturing. The underlying principle is: If you cant make jewellery, you cant design jewellery".
Most institutes, as a part of their curriculum, conduct special workshops for students inspired by traditional Indian and Western designs. Incidentally, the JDTI is one of the few institutes that provides gold to the students to create studded jewellery at its own cost. The institutes also "guide the students once they pass out". External jurors from the industry are invited to evaluate the work of the students enrolled in the long-term courses.
The facilities provided at the institutes are state-of-the-art and fully equipped with the latest reference material and machinery. The workstations are especially designed for fatigue-free long hours. The classrooms are specially constructed to provide relief from boredom. Those who have cleared their plus two are eligible to apply for jewellery designing courses. Admissions are on the basis of an interview. So, get set for a glittering career. Training talkThe Gemological Institute of America recently opened its education centre in Mumbai. The centre will link jewellery professionals in 14 other centres across the globe. The centre has been set up with the aim to educate Indian jewellery professionals in the common language of the global gem industry.
The institute will offer the GIA Graduate Diploma Programme and the diamond grading extension classes along with the GIA distance education curriculum. The course imparts knowledge in diamond grading and colored stones and gem identification, among other things. From next year, the centre will begin the Graduate Gemologist (GG) programme and a course on jewellery design.
The eligibility for the course is plus two and the fee ranges from Rs 10,000 to Rs 1.5 lakh, depending on the programme opted for.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Diamond Jewellery

A diamond is considered to be women’s best friend. But having this best friend is not an easy affair. One needs to shell out a huge amount for it. In that case, diamond replica jewelry comes as an easy way out. It is exactly the same as real diamond jewelry, but the only difference is that it is a replica. Diamond replicas have also become a rage these days. The beautiful diamond jewelry worn by famous personalities becomes a fashion statement and comes in the market as diamond replica jewelry. Besides diamond replica jewelry, you can also go for some real diamond jewelry. You can get some of the unique designs in real diamond jewelry. There are some of the best designs in diamond rings. A diamond engagement ring is the best you can give to your fiancé. Diamond rings and bands are also ideal as a gift. Fine diamond jewelry must be the main priority when buying diamond jewelry. A diamond is also said to be forever, so even if you buy it generally it will be a treasured possession. Diamond is one of the Indian astrological stones. Many a times, a diamond is prescribed for astrological reasons. Amongst all the gemstones, diamond is considered to be the most expensive. If you want to wear a diamond for astrological reasons a diamond ring appears to be the best option. A diamond is said to add its sparkling rays in a positive manner to your life. Diamond bracelets and diamond bangles are also very beautiful and add a beauty to your wrist. Diamond necklace jewelry and diamond necklace sets spread sparkling rays all over you. So you can also get the diamond rays sparkle over you and on others by having diamond jewelry. Then you can make others jealous of your style by wearing a diamond necklace set or diamond bangles or even a diamond bracelet. Diamond is the in-thing lady. So get it and flaunt it. But why should men be left behind in this race. There are beautiful diamond rings, bracelets and studs for you. When it comes to diamond replica jewelry or real diamond jewelry, Jaipur Jewelers are the leaders in the field. Diamond replica jewelry has become a fashion trend these days. Its style and affordable price has made it popular among one and all.

Gold Jewellery

Gold jewelry adds beauty and elegance to God’s beautiful creation called woman. Gold jewelry always forms as the best of ornaments. An Indian marriage is considered incomplete without gold jewelry for the bride, the bridegroom and the other family members. Gold earrings jewelry or gold pendants jewelry are also given as gifts at the time of wedding. Gold is also regarded as a great investment, which is very useful at the hour of need.
Indian gold jewelry is also famous for its beautiful designs all over the world. In the traditional times also, gold jewelry added royalty to the wearer. Even today gold jewelry is very much in demand. Gold jewelry is precious so it has to be unique in its design. The beauty added to a gold jewel is through the fine craftsmanship and the quality of gold used in it.

Finest gold jewelry is not easy to find. However, a little search will lead you to the best gold jewelry stores where the fine designs speak for themselves. The intricate designs for all kind of gold jewelry are the result of the best craftsmanship. Indian gold jewelry is always a matter of pride. You can have the beautiful golden rays in the form of this jewelry. A wide variety of designs are available in gold necklace jewelry, gold pendants jewelry, gold earrings jewelry, gold rings jewelry and gold bracelets replica.

Gold bracelets replica are also very much in fashion these days. It is good to invest in replicas, as it saves your money and you can flaunt it as your style statement also. The market is flooded with gold bracelet replica adopted by the style of some of the famous personalities. You can also have gold replicas of antique jewelery that add the traditional beauty to you. You can also go for wholesale gold jewelry. From the manufacturers, you can get wholesale gold jewelry.

The unique designs and the pure gold from which it is made have to be up to the mark. From traditional to modern, there are all kinds of designs to suit you. The Indian gold jewelry will add charm to your collection. Design and quality are the two things for which you should never make a compromise.

Jaipur Jewelers offer you the best of quality and design in gold jewelry. Whether it’s gold necklaces, gold bangles, or gold earrings they have it all.

Costume Jewellery

Costume jewelry adds style and beauty to you and your ensemble. Costume jewelry is a wearers delight, as it further highlights your personality with the look it adds to your costume. Costume jewelry is more about defining your fashion statement. So whether it’s classic or stylish it is your choice. Costume jewelry is made out of a variety of materials, which can be pure silver, glass beads, kundan, semi-precious stones, metal, etc. The value of the metal used in it makes a difference between cheap costume jewelry and fine costume jewelry. So the price mainly depends on the material used. Also, as per the style you want to portray you can choose that kind of jewelry. As per your requirements, there is cheap costume jewelry as well as fine costume jewelry. Costume jewelry has a wide array of styles and designs. You can have the traditional to the latest designs in costume jewelry. All types of costume jewelry are available in the market these days. Be it bracelets, earrings, bangles, anklets or belly-button rings it is all there.
There is an amount of charisma you can experiences in wearing costume jewelry. Fine costume jewelry adds elegance to your persona. There are a variety of contemporary items to serve your interest. Antique costume jewelry is also available for adding that royal touch. Many a type of earrings, bracelets and necklaces made in the antique style are all available with the jewelers.
In the fat Indian weddings a huge sum of money is spent in purchasing wedding costume jewelry. But you can’t be sure whether this jewelry will be of any use further. In that case, costume jewelry comes as the easy way out. You can go for antique costume jewelry, which comes at an affordable price. Antique costume jewelry is unique in style. It can be hand crafted as per the design. Indian costume jewelry is antique so it adds weight to your dressing. A beautiful range of Indian costume jewelry is available, which has antique as well as modern designs.Costume jewelry is chiefly fashion jewelry, which adds style to the wearer. Costume jewelry is very much in demand these days because of its style.


While buying jewelry, one wants to have the best designs at an affordable price. Online jewelry shops offer you jewelry online. But finding an online jewelry shop is not an easy task. You want to get the best deal and the best quality when buying jewelry. So, offering affordable jewelry is not everyone’s cup of tea but Jaipur Jewelers offer you high quality and affordable jewelry. Whether it is gold jewelry, silver jewelry or diamond jewelry we are the leaders in online stores.
The famous Jaipur jewelry that we offer is the best silver jewelry you can find. We get you the best Indian jewelry. We have a variety of designs to make you look your best. Silver jewelry has its own style. Whether you wear silver rings, silver pendants, silver bracelets or the lovely silver anklets they all look very pretty. Silver jewelry also comes at a cheaper price in comparison to gold jewelry and diamond jewelry. You can get some of the antique pieces in silver. We offer ethnic and regional jewelry, which is very unique in style.
We offer beautiful diamond rings, diamond pendants, necklaces, earrings and much more. Although real diamonds come at a high price, we can get you affordable diamond jewelry.We have the best designs in Indian jewelry. Our gold jewelry is very much Indian in nature. We have all kind of Indian jewelry, which is the best in quality. We also offer cheap jewelry. So price will never be a problem with Jaipur Jewelers. Our unique designs are sure to charm you. We offer some of the best traditional and modern designs in gold jewelry. There are gold pendants, gold necklaces, gold earrings, gold rings and gold bangles.
We, at Jaipur Jewelers also deal in costume jewelry, which is a fashion statement these days. We also get you Indian gemstones, which you can wear for astrological reasons.
Jaipur Jewelers offer you quality jewelry at affordable prices. Our online store gets you silver jewelry, gold jewelry and diamond jewelry and much more.

Jewellery of Jaipur

The pink city of Jaipur glitters with the fascinating and fine jewelry. The gems and stones of Jaipur are famous all over the world. When it comes to traditional Indian jewelry all the International buyers prefer Jaipur.
Whether it is gemstones, traditional gold jewelry, antique silver jewelry, contemporary diamond jewelry or Indian costume jewelry, Jaipur is the hub for all kind of jewelry. The artisans of Jaipur craft the jewelry in such a beautiful manner that each piece turns out to be a unique creation in itself. One can get the traditional silver jewelry of Jaipur, which has designs in bangles, anklets, necklaces and many others.
The jewelers in Jaipur spell the name of perfection. They provide fine jewelry at affordable prices. As most of the jewelers in Jaipur are themselves manufacturers this makes them wholesale jewelers, so one can get the jewelry at very reasonable prices. Jewelry is something in which one never wants to make a compromise on quality. The jewelers in Jaipur are known for their up to the mark quality standards.
Any kind of jewelry is easily available with the jewelers of Jaipur. One can find jewelry in beads, colored stones jewelry, fashion jewelry, ethnic and regional jewelry and also designer jewelry. One can fall short of selection but they will never fall short with their variety. Jaipur is also famous for the precious and semi-precious stones like, diamond, topaz, etc. The jewelers in Jaipur deal in all of them. The jewelers in Jaipur also deal in Indian gemstones. Here one can get the real gemstones. One can get rings crafted in these gemstones with the base of silver, gold or other metals.
The designs in jewelry are also the best. There are many unique designs in necklaces, bracelets, anklets, rings, nose rings, earrings, so all type of jewelry is available with them. The jewelry is specially handcrafted which makes it unique in style. You can get Kundan jewelry also, which is exclusive to the jewelers of Jaipur. Jaipur really spells jewelry.


Three silver dagger blades were found in a communal tomb at Kumasa.Silver seals and ornaments of the same age were also found in these regions. A silver cup found in Gournia dates to circa 2000. Some vases and jugsfrom Mycenae are also made of silver. Some of the Mycenaean blades are bronze inlaid with
gold, , silver, niello and electrum.


The use of gold and silver in Islam lands was limited because it was forbidden by the Koran. Although the prohibition was often ignored, the great value of such objects led to their early destruction and melting down. Islamic jewelry of the early period is therefore extremely rare, represented only by a few items, such as buckles and bracelets of the Mongol periods and such pieces as the Gerona silver chest in Spain and the Berlin silver tankard of the 13th century, with embossed reliefs of animal friezes.


Silver was used in ancient Italy and Greece for personal ornaments, vessels,jewellery,arrows, weapons and coinage. It was inlaid and plated. It was also mixed with Gold to produce white gold as well as being mixed with baser metals.
Examples of ancient jewelry were found in Queen Pu-abi's tomb at Ur in Sumeria(now called Tall al-Muqayyar), dating from 3000 BC. In the crypt the queen's body was covered with jewellery made from gold, silver, lapis lazuli, carnelian,agate and chalcedony beads.
Aegean lands were rich in precious metals. The considerable deposits of treasure found in the earliest prehistoric strata on the site of Troy are not likely to be later than 2000 BC. The largest of them, called Priam's Treasure, was a large silver cup containing gold ornaments consisting of elaborate diadems or pectorals, six bracelets, 60 earrings or hair rings, and nearly 9,000 beads. Silver was widely used in the Greek islands however only a few simple vessels, rings, pins, and headbands survive.


Amber Trip - pays all Attention on VIP BUYERS
Report by Ema Lukas
The VI International Baltic Jewellery Show Amber Trip is a spectacular and exciting jewellery exhibition which takes place every year in Vilnius. “Amber Trip” is the biggest exhibition of specialized jewellery in the Baltic States. It will take place in Reval Hotel Lietuva conference centre 5 – 8 March, 2009.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Jewellery as Investment

Jewellery as investment
In the Hindu, Jain and Sikh community where women do not inherit landed property, precious metal jewellery was a major component of the streedhana (gifts given to a woman at the time of her marriage). Jewellery, because of its easy convertibility into cash, was thus regarded as security and investment.If you are thinking of purchasing a piece of Jewellery, perhaps to celebrate a special occasion, why limit your choice to what is available to anyone?
The majority of Jewellery sold is mass-produced. Hundreds of people will probably have bought that piece before you, and as many more will buy it after you. Is that really such a "special" gift? A little extra thought and planning can mean you are able to give a piece of Jewellery which large numbers of other people can't just walk into a shop and buy. It makes your gift so much more personal, and special.


Jewellery made of natural materialsIn early India, people fashioned Jewellery out of natural materials found in abundance all over the country-seeds, feathers, leaves, berries, fruits, flowers, animal bones, claws and teeth. Even today such Jewellery is used by the different tribal societies. Interestingly, these tribal jewelry items are also famous worldwide as high fashion jewelry! Excavations at Mohenjodaro and other sites of the Indus Valley civilization have unearthed a wealth of ornaments. It appears that both men and women of that time wore Jewellery made of gold, silver, copper, ivory and precious and semi-precious stones. The Ramayana and the Mahabharata are abound with descriptions of ornaments and the code of Manu defines the duties of the goldsmith. By the third century B.C., India was the leading exporter of gemstones, particularly diamonds. Gold was usually imported into the country, a practice prevalent even during the Mughal period.


Jewellery ('Jewelry' in American spelling) comprises ornamental objects worn by persons, typically made with gemstones and precious metals. Costume jewellery is made from less valuable materials. However, jewellery can and has been made out of almost every kind of material.The word is derived from the word "jewel", which was anglicised from the Old French "jouel" in around the 13th century. Further tracing leads back to the Latin word "jocale", meaning plaything.Some cultures have a practice of keeping large amounts of wealth stored in the form of Jewellery. Jewellery can also be symbolic, as in the case of Christians wearing a crucifix in the form of Jewellery, or, as is the case in many Western cultures, married people wearing a wedding ring.Jewellery in various forms has been made and worn by both sexes in almost every (if not every) human culture, on every inhabited continent. Personal adornment seems to be a basic human tendency. Jewellery has been part of the Indian civilization since ancient history. Ornaments made of gold, silver, copper, ivory, pottery and beads have been discovered in civilizations as ancient as the Harappa and Mohanjodaro. The Indus valley goldsmith knew how to make moulds for metal and terra-cotta Necklace ornaments. Gold jewellery from these civilizations consist of bracelets, necklaces, bangles, ear ornaments, rings, head ornaments, brooches, girdles etc. This art has been perfected with modern styles and further materials used. Besides gold and other metal jewellery, stones, conch shells, wood, plant seeds etc. are used. Ethnic patterns, with intricate motifs are much in demand for their absorbing stylesJewellery has been part of the Indian civilization since ancient history. Ornaments made of gold, silver, copper, ivory, pottery and beads have been discovered in civilizations as ancient as the Harappa and Mohanjodaro. The Indus valley goldsmith knew how to make moulds for metal and terra-cotta Necklace ornaments. Gold jewellery from these civilizations consist of bracelets, necklaces, bangles, ear ornaments, rings, head ornaments, brooches, girdles etc. This art has been perfected with modern styles and further materials used. Besides gold and other metal Jewellery, stones, conch shells, wood, plant seeds etc. are used. Ethnic patterns, with intricate motifs are much in demand for their absorbing stylesIndian Tradition of Gifting JewelleryOrnaments & Jewellery In India, a woman is traditionally gifted Jewellery at the time of her wedding. The Jewellery is from both her parents and her in-laws. The logic is simple. Apart from the obvious purpose of ornamentation, the Jewellery is her safeguard against the proverbial rainy day. Bereft of an income of her own, she can trade in her Jewellery as and when the need arises.But this is not to say that the Indian woman does not like her ornaments well-crafted. Every market in India has its own share of gold and silversmiths. While gold Jewellery is pretty much a favourite with the rich and the affluent, village belles swear by silver.
GemsGems Many palmists and astrologers tell you precisely the clarity and carat required to ward off the evil eye or reverse a spell of ill-luck. Some of the good buys here are emeralds, sapphires, rubies, garnets, amethysts, corals and turquoise. The craft of cutting and polishing stones to achieve the most gleaming facets has been honed to perfection by the artisans of Jaipur and Calcutta.GoldGold- The women of Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Goa, Kerala and Maharashtra are great sticklers for gold. This shiny metal is considered auspicious, not to mention a status symbol. Even the humblest bride down south has some gold in her trousseau.Handcrafted gold Jewellery is still very much the norm though machine-made trinkets are fast catching on. The major difference between the Jewellery of north and south India is in the detail, delicacy and motifs. While north Indians think small is beautiful, south Indians certainly believe otherwise.KundanOrnaments & Jewellery Kundan:- Delhi, Jaipur and Udaipur are famous for the age-old technique of setting gems in gold called Kundan. It is the Mughal-inspired art of setting precious stones like diamonds, emeralds and rubies in gold and silver. Gems are bedded in a surround of gold leaf rather than secured by a rim or claw.MeenakariMeenakari Enameling or meenakari was originally meant to protect gold, which in its pure state is so soft and malleable that it can easily wear away. However, the technique soon came to be used for all sorts of objet d’arts. Now before you ask, enameling is a champleve technique, which in simple English means that a recess is hollowed out in the surface of gold or silver to take in a mineral. For example, cobalt oxide, which gives a blue color, is then fired into the depression so as to leave a thin line separating the segments of color. The patterns are usually floral and colored in red, green and blue and can be seen on small jewellery and kumkum boxes.Silver JewelleryThe various kinds of adornments in silver are:
Tikka or the spherical pendant for the forehead; dangling earrings called jhumkas; hansli or the choker; nath or the nose ring which may be attached with a chain to the adjacent jhumka; a girdle or taqri for the waist; a series of bracelets called kadas; payals or anklets with tiny bells on them; and finally the chakti or toe rings of the married women. Also men of Rajasthan commonly wear chokers, earrings and bracelets too.The designs are a lovely blend of Hindu and Islamic styles, as are the karigars (craftsmen) who may be Hindu or Muslim. Silver Jewellery with ornate tribal designs is a big hit too. A relatively new addition to the repertoire is silver studded with semi-precious stones. Rajasthan, Gujarat, Himachal and Ladakh are the most happening centers of silver jewellery.
Threads, Beads & CowriesThe intricate and artistic twisting of thread is itself seen as an embellishment by the tribal communities of India. They often weave cotton thread into a broad band as a textured or patterned base, then loop through buttons, beads, metallic droplets or whatever catches their fancy. Beads, shells, cowries and feathers are simple but amazingly creative means to adorn the body beautiful. Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh and the northeastern states of Assam, Nagaland and Mizoram top the list of makers of such Jewellery.BanglesBangles add grace to the feminine beauty. Indian has an ample treasure of exquisite, colorful bangles, that does not match anything. Shellac Bangles Brightly colored lac bangles are a gay and inexpensive buy in Delhi and Rajasthan. In the pink city of Jaipur, lac trinkets are a common sight in every bazaar. Check out the dazzling bangles, often studded with glass gems, spirals of base-metal wire amid a wavy striping of other colors.The Story of Indian JewelleryThe siris blossom fastened over her ear, Whose stamens brush her cheek; The lotus-chain, like autumn moonlight soft upon her bosom meek.Thus, described Kalidasa the Jewellery of Shakuntala. Jewellery in India has been an unbroken tradition for over 5,000 years. Such is the skill of Indian jewellers that with time, the real flowers used by Shakuntala inspired them to recreate the gifts of nature in gold and silver.


Jewellery has been part of the Indian civilization since ancient history. Ornaments made of gold, silver, copper, ivory, pottery and beads have been discovered in civilizations as ancient as the Harappa and Mohanjodaro.The Indus valley goldsmith knew how to make moulds for metal and terra-cotta Necklace ornaments. Gold jewellery from these civilizations consist of bracelets, necklaces, bangles, ear ornaments, rings, head ornaments, brooches, girdles etc. This art has been perfected with modern styles and further materials used. Besides gold and other metal jewellery, stones, conch shells, wood, plant seeds etc. are used. Ethnic patterns, with intricate motifs are much in demand for their absorbing styles"

Friday, March 13, 2009


Jewellery wardrobing is the new Accessory buzz phrase.
Designers consider almost any material is worth experimenting with to make novel items that keep attracting new customers. Modern jewellery can be made from the most precious of metals and gemstones, as well as lesser materials. This lovely
"18k Yellow Gold Diamond cuff bangle" left is 11/4 inches wide. It's open-ended to fit 7" wrists and studded with 2.16 carat weight of diamonds. Simply beautiful and it also comes as the
"18k white gold Diamond cuff bangle" . Santa keep me in mind please.
The jewellery cuffs can of course be cheap and cheerful high street items, or even wear it once showstoppers.
In 2007 you need a jewellery wardrobe just as much as a bag cupboard, or a shoe closet. Jewellery is the easiest accessory to carry with you, to change your looks from office to evening and according to your mood. So get jewel wardrobing, and start with this season's must-have jewellery - the bangle cuff, or opt for a charm bracelet.
Jewellery Wardrobe Tip - Jewellery wardrobing is the new Accessory buzz phrase.

Bridal Headwear

Bridal Headwear
In recent years wearing hair ornaments has gained a new following. You can buy crystal tiaras from a wide range of sources and with a wide price range. Beware, not all will be the genuine Swarovski article. Make sure your crystal tiara for your special day is made from Swarovski crystal for extra sparkle. There is a wide range of tiaras available, alternatively you can commission a one of a kind design from an independent designer.
Marilyn Jones of Pearls Plus makes handcrafted jewellery, bridal hair ornaments, combs and decorated hair pins using freshwater pearls and Swarovski crystal. This dainty bridal tiara is one of her Pearls Plus designs using Swarovski crystal.
One reason Marilyn likes to use Swarovski crystal, is quite simply that the beads have greater brilliance than other brands. Also the range of colours in Swarovski crystals is enormous. The very best crystals set off the richly nacre coated freshwater pearls Marilyn uses. The selected Swarovski crystals in this tiara have an aurora borealis finish. The Swarovski aurora borealis finish is renowned for catching the light and picks up nearby colours. In this case the peach background is reflected in the crystals. If the background were blue, the reflection would pick up blue tones. Just about any colour combination would be possible that you request, to match the modern trend for coloured wedding dresses.
Of course the modern bride should check out Swarovski Crystal Headphones available at Harrods on the Techellery page here. Phillips renowned for electrical products, have worked with Swarovski to create Active Crystals - innovative wearable technology.
Swarovski New Innovations Xilion Cut Crystal
Swarovski's team are consistently working to create new crystals and other Swarovski stones. They create new colourations and finishes for new stones that also work well with the latest textiles.
Swarovski's new generation of crystals are the Xilion crystals. The new XILION cut, has a complex geometry that gives a multi-layer cut look crystal. Xilion crystals are cut with 14 alternating facets instead of 8. These alternating facets of different sizes produce perfect refraction and particularly intense light distribution. The sparkle of this new Xilion crystal is unsurpassed in the world of man made crystals.
Swarovski also experiment with metallic and pearl coatings. Innovations in crystals include the production of milkier toned crystals with an opaline, alabaster or moonstone shimmer to them. For a few years now Swarovski have been introducing their new line of Opalescent beads. These crystals have a softer more minimal look and are easier for day looks. This opaline effect stone is very attractive and I expect opaline looks to become hugely popular.


This year you will notice massive Swarovski® crystals used on garments, accessories and jewellery pieces. They certainly make a statement. But you will also see fine Swarovski crystals as delicate embellishment on lingerie.
Today laboratory produced gems such as Cubic Zirconia worked with gold or precious metals, help manufacturers achieve higher end fashion jewellery looks. Now that the ordinary consumer has become more demanding, top quality laboratory made gems and crystal are order of the day. Frequently the name Swarovski is mentioned along with the stone type, as an indication of the highest quality of man made jewellery stones.
Jewelled necklines, bodice yokes, cuffs, belts and hems make use of bold cabochons and glittering crystals. Evening bags and shoes drip with bold beads and crystals. No wonder women adore Manolo Blahnik shoes. Swarovski crystal makes satin Manolos sparkle with energy. Notice how a perfect dainty bejewelled CRYSTALLIZED™ minaudière as shown left, won't hold much, but who needs a necklace when you have such a sparkling accessory to hide a girl's must-have essentials.
The contemporary design world is in love with Swarovski crystal. Its forward approach to research and development is well suited to a progressive world.
Suddenly there is a noticeable trend to state that the crystal used in an item is Swarovski. This crystal ring right is from Marks and Spencer and uses Swarovski crystal. The retailer makes a feature of informing the consumer that the crystal in the ring is sourced from Swarovski. Once the phrase crystal or Austrian crystal would have sufficed; now consumers want to know it's top quality crystal and made by one group only - that brand is Swarovski. Logos on products may have waned, but brand naming is alive and kicking.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Carmago Ruby Earrings
There are earrings with the Mystery setting that match more closely, but I like these divine oval ruby and diamond earrings right.
Van Cleef & Arpels have some wonderful luxury jewellery items based on the finest of rare rubies.
These Carmago earrings are from Van Cleef & Arpels Ballet Précieux - they have diamonds and 20 oval-cut Burmese rubies – 23.27 cts.
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High Jewellery
The Van Cleef & Arpels Couture Collection
The Van Cleef & Arpels House was inspired by the extravagance, daring and happy-go-lucky spirit of the roaring 20's.
Now at Van Cleef & Arpels, Haute couture and high jewellery unite in a world of exceptional craftsmanship, characterized by unique artistry and demanding standards. Van Cleef & Arpels celebrates this union with its Couture Collection: where fabric becomes jewellery, and jewellery becomes fabric, the result is to drape a woman in majestic splendour. You really need to study the detail of the picture (or the real article) to appreciate the extent of the craftsmanship.
The renowned jewellery ornaments and accessories of high fashion are transformed into rare objects such as: shimmering gold lace, tassels in precious stones, detailed embroideries, ribbons covered in rubies and magical zippers.
Above Left - Van Cleef & Arpels shimmering gold lace Clip Dentelle - 1949 and to the right - Van Cleef & Arpels Noeud Dentelle a gold lace clip -1945.
How could anyone fail to love these vintage jewellery pieces? Thanks to the most exquisite technique, the gold work is so fine that it looks exactly like hand worked golden lace.
As mentioned above, such antique and vintage pieces are bespoke collector's items. Some even find their way back to their original home at Van Cleef & Arpels, either as museum pieces, or for resale among the owners within the exclusive Van Cleef & Arpels vintage circle.
One collection inspired by the sea is their L'Atlantide range.
L'ATLANTIDE - Van Cleef & Arpels recreates the universe of the wondrous isle of the lost city of Atlantis. There Neptune reigned with his queen Cleita and their court of nymphs, mermaids and other mythical sea creatures.
The Odyssey to Atlantis
The Héra Clip
The Odyssey to Atlantis begins with the exploration of this secret world and the discovery, amidst the oceans waters and undercurrents, the fabulous creatures that play in the shining surf. The Van Cleef & Arpels Design House uncovers this lost paradise. Their craftsmen create exquisite gemstone pieces that represent the fabulous creatures that live and play in this submerged universe.
Héra from L'Atlantide, is the most fabulous of their high jewellery clips and is shown right.
The Héra clip is white gold set with diamonds, Burmese ruby spheres and all adorn a natural, button shaped Mabé pearl (17.92 carats). Price on application to Van Cleef & Arpels.


Couture Diamond Organdi Necklace
The Van Cleef & Arpels diamond Organdi necklace left is made of white gold and contains 79 carats of diamonds; consequently this piece makes a stupendous item of jewellery.
The Couture Diamond Organdi Necklace has the finesse of the fabric it is named after because fine wire is used to link the motifs. In the form of a ruffle, the necklace perfectly curves around the neck and unfolds, like an organdy collar.
The Van Cleef & Arpels House uses a unique winding articulation technique, making this necklace remarkably flexible. To reinforce its luminosity and lightness, the couture jeweller has used hidden settings so that the scattered diamonds appear to float across the neckline in different layers. This is why these diamond necklaces are the ultimate in statement luxury jewellery and have been for a century!


. Investment Jewellery
For over a hundred years, the name Van Cleef & Arpels has been recognised as a symbol of beauty, and as incomparable sophisticated style of jewellery. In America this is called 'handcrafted custom jewelry'. Despite the current economic climate of autumn 2008, Van Cleef & Arpels most exquisite high jewellery pieces never stop selling, because they are seen as investments.
The Van Cleef & Arpels brand instantly conjures the concept of diamonds, rare rubies, sapphires, emeralds and of one-off gemart - true bespoke luxury jewellery. This high jewellery house consistently strives to improve methods of cutting stones and create innovative pieces; as a result the pieces are treasured through generations.
In times of economic strife, or war, the idea of investing in high quality distinctive jewellery is not new. In falling markets investors look to Jewellery with couture provenance such as this gem set bespoke piece by Van Cleef & Arpels (see picture immediately right). Van Cleef & Arpels exhibits museum pieces and sometimes resells original vintage signature prized items owned by collectors.
You have to examine a high definition picture to appreciate the craftsmanship and quality of Van Cleef & Arpels couture jewellery pieces.
Right - Van Cleef & Arpels Castalie neckpiece. The Castalie Necklace is set in White gold to enhance round diamonds and orange, gold, mandarin garnets.
You need to contact Van Cleef & Arpels directly to get a current price of any jewellery. But I can reveal that most of the luxury gemset pieces shown on this page cost over £100,000

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Her pearl goods are reasonably and fairly priced, with fine gold or silver clasp or ear fittings, all presented in simple packaging to keep costs down. I cannot emphasise enough how reasonably priced her products are, which is why I think the news about her needs sharing. Just look at these pictures and the enlargements and note the high quality and lustre on these pearls and the variety of colour schemes and designs possible.

Marilyn visited the far east about 10 years ago and was so impressed by the quality of the pearls and delicacy of the gold fittings on offer that she came home with a supply of material to make into jewellery. In the 1990s as China became more experienced at pearl production, they vastly improved the quality of the freshwater pearls they produced and slowly moved away from the rice shaped pearls to better shaped potato and near round pearls. Many Chinese produced freshwater pearls now rival the finest of Japanese cultured pearls.
An experienced designer, Marilyn is skilled at making up her own ideas and can also work with you to produce specific items for special occasions such as weddings and anniversaries as well as party and everyday wear.
Marilyn already does corporate sales and visits many of the staff at top banks and offices in London, so will be no stranger to some of you. For more details and clear pictures go to her website at .

pearls jewellery

Pearls are currently back in fashion again. Modern twists show pearls being interspaced on gold or silver wire, floating on special synthetic cord or as traditional pearl necklaces with suspended interchangeable pendants often in materials like jade, peridot and lapis lazuli. The variety of new pearl designs, interesting new shapes, sizes and colours, make them the perfect jewel essential to the noughties. Pearls are also the perfect gift for anytime of year, for any age group.
Marilyn Jones
Regular readers of this site will know I not only recommend the best, but also the affordable to those living in the real world. Now I want to introduce you to Marilyn Jones the independent designer of a marvellous range of pearl and semi precious jewellery at Pearls Plus in London.
I've known Marilyn for over 30 years and she has always impressed me with her fine eye for quality goods and attention to detail and design. Marilyn Jones specializes in good quality affordable freshwater pearls and you can read a little about this below. See Marilyn's pearls here.
Go directly to pictures below of Marilyn's pearl jewellery from Pearl Plus.
Also below are more pictures of her pearls and the wide range of available pearl colours. Most importantly Marilyn's designs are wearable and pretty, yet can also be subtle, understated and unobtrusive. Most are inexpensive enough to buy an item just to wear with one particular garment. Although they are inexpensive, they do look expensive and similar items in shops cost several times as much. When you enlarge these pictures you can see the high quality of these pearls.

Jewellery for the 21st century

Jewellery for the 21st Century
Costume jewellery can enliven a fashion wardrobe and bring a dash of panache especially for one off special occasions. Costume jewellery can be superb. The superb is usually plated at least seven times with 18 or 22 ct gold.
For example Joan Rivers does a range of good costume jewellery modelled on original fine gem pieces. One of her trademarks is to make jewellery doubly useful and she produces sets of interchangeable earrings, pendants and tennis bracelets. For example you might be able to slip a range of up to 10 different coloured stones, pearls or Swarovski crystals into an 18ct gold plated earring to vary the look. Her jewellery is exclusive to the QVC shopping channel in the UK and she is constantly working on new ideas such is her enthusiasm.
Highest grade Cubic Zirconium man made imitation diamonds often set in precious metals is of such a good standard that almost everyone can afford to have attractive jewellery.
The best crystals used in costume jewellery are the first grade crystals that the top Austrian firm Swarovski can offer. Butler and Wilson costume brooch.
Some of the costume jewellery I have come to love, comes from companies like Ciro, Adrian Buckley, Butler and Wilson, Swarovski Crystal Jewelry Napier, Joan Rivers, Joan Collins, Christian Dior, California Crystal, Property of A Lady and of course Kenneth J Lane.

Fine & Fake Jewellery

Fine and Fake Jewellery
Gold in Egypt 3000 BC
In the ancient world gold was the preferred metal for making jewellery. It was rare, did not tarnish and best of all it was malleable, so it could be worked fairly easily.
Magnificent bracelets, pendants, necklaces, rings, armlets, earrings, diadems, head ornaments, pectoral ornaments and collars of gold were all produced in ancient Egypt, the land of the Pharaohs.
Excavations by Howard Carter in 1922 led to the great discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb and many gold funerary artefacts, all showing the art work of ancient Egypt.
Left - Gold funeral mask of King Tutankhamun.

Monday, March 9, 2009

eco-friendly jewellery

Eco-Friendly Jewellery Designer Unveils Expansion Plans into Mumbai, India during India International Jewellery Show Renaissance Diamonds is Presenting with Gemesis, Manufacturer ofLab-Made Diamonds, an Educational Seminar on the Past, the Present &the Future of Laboratory-Created Diamond Jewellery and DiamondsBOCA RATON, Fla.--(Business Wire)--Renaissance Diamonds, the industry leader in laboratory-createddiamond jewellery, is announcing their expansion of offices to Mumbaiduring the India International Jewellery Show taking place August 7ththrough the 11th at the NSE Complex - Goregaon, Mubai, India. Duringthe event, the eco-friendly jewellery designer will also beco-sponsoring an educational seminar with Clark McEwen of Gemesis whowill explain The Past, The Present and The Future of lab-made diamondsin the jewellery industry. As wealth grows in areas such as India, China and the Middle East,Renaissance Diamonds continually seeks opportunities for theirlaboratory-created diamond jewellery collections. These countries findlab-made diamonds extremely attractive because it offers affordableluxury to a rising class of new, wealthy consumers. The Renaissancejewellery collections offer diamonds that are amongst the rarest,vivid and unique colors, have the benefit of being eco-friendly, andare at very reasonable price points. "The India International Trade Show continues to amaze exhibitorsas the growth they have shown year after year is incredible. Thewealth and stability the country has experienced is creating a hugedemand for fine laboratory-created diamond jewellery," said NeilKoppel, President and CEO of Renaissance Diamonds. "Our office inMumbai will help retailers bring these amazing lab-made diamondscloser to the consumers as demand continues to grow." The educational seminar by Renaissance Diamonds and Gemesis isscheduled to take place on August 10th - 12:30 to 2 PM at the IndiaInternational Jewellery Show. The seminar will include discussions onwhat lab-made diamonds are and how they are grown, plus identificationand lab certification. Experts will also review the commonmisconceptions of these diamonds and what business prospects thefuture holds for these precious gems. About Renaissance Diamonds: Renaissance Diamonds Inc., located in Boca Raton, FL, is creatinga new category of laboratory-created diamond jewellery that providesopportunities for wholesalers, retailers and most importantlyconsumers. We are at the forefront of what will surely be "Jewellery'sNext Wave." Renaissance is bringing about significant changes in theway consumers think, value and purchase diamonds and eco-friendlyjewellery.


Vardhman Group announces a jewellery mall in Mumbai which will make them the pioneers of Whole Jewellery Retail (WJR) in the country. With an aim to allure Indian shoppers the new venture will combine theme shopping with value-chain large form retail.Vardhman Group's Managing Director, Rajesh Vardhan, said "Our research team had predicted the demand for such formats in the country. While we have seen a large growth of modern retail formats, so far there have been no specialized formats catering to specific needs."The jewellery mall is situated in the jewellery hub of the country. The all new Jewel World will provide consumers an unequaled jewellery shopping experience, featuring leading international and national brands under one roof.Vardhman Groups Jewel World has roped in prime tenants such as Pranda, Dia Jewels, Al-Kans, Emeralds, etc. The Group is likely to expand with more WJR formats in the country over the next two years starting with four more malls in Mumbai.


Advice on finding Mumbai Jewelry Stores - Buy jewelry locally from the best jewelers and jewelry stores after researching our jeweler directory. Whether your interest is in wedding rings, diamonds, gold, platinum, or other jewelry, the jewelers listed below will spend the time to educate you on the nuances of fine jewelry, from figuring out the type of diamond you want for your ring (how large or shiny, which shape), to the type of metal (gold, white gold, platinum), to how much you feel comfortable spending. Be sure you ask your jeweler to put what is sold (quality of stones, setting, etc), as well as its return/refund policy in writing!


MUMBAI: The India International Jewellery Show 2003, to be organised here from July 18 to 21, is slated to be the biggest so far with 611 participants compared to only 300 last year. In a statement Friday, the organisers, Gems and Jewellery Export Promotion Council, said about 15,000 visitors were expected.
This year the show would celebrate its 20th anniversary. "The show would provide an opportune forum to view the latest in indigenous jewellery design and execution capabilities, besides disseminating knowledgeabout new trends and products," the council said in its statement.Besides just displaying jewellery, the meet would also feature seminars with presentations from international jewellers like De Beers and Rapaport, the statement said. Moreover, for the first time, a trade meet would be held on the sidelines of the show with representatives from Bangladesh, Myanmar, Sri Lanka and Thailand. Exports of gems and jewellery during the first quarter, ending June 30, 2003, recorded only a marginal increase of 3.85 percent from $1.81 billion to $1.88 billion. The total exports of cut and polished diamond for the quarter also grew by only 1.87 percent from $1.52 billion to $1.55 billion. However, value-added exports rose with the gold jewellery sector, growing at 16.77 percent.


Western India's very first jewelry mall -- Jewel World -- has been announced by the Vardhman Group, real estate entrepreneurs, to be built in the Zaveri Bazaar in south Mumbai. The Hindu News Service writes that the groundbreaking venture will be the first of its kind to offer high-end retailing of specialty jewelry. The proposed mall will encompass 80,000 sq. ft. and is set smack in the middle of the Mumbai Jewelry District.
As one of the pioneers of Whole Jewelry Retailing (WJR) the Vardhman Group is looking ahead to the growing target market of prosperous Indians. It is expected that in the not-to-distant-future, Indians will be spending more and consuming goods in larger volumes. This prediction has inspired the development of theme malls and large-format shopping centers which in turn will propel Indian retailing.
Vardhman Group's Managing Director Rajesh Vardhman explains: "Our research has predicted the demand for such formats in the country. While we have seen a large growth of modern retail formats, so far there have been no specialized formats catering to specific needs. With Jewel World we look forward to changing the current norms in the retailing industry and our plans for this segment are very aggressive.
Whole Jewelry Retail formats are expected to change the dynamics of the retailing industry over the next five years," says Rajesh Vardhman.
Jewel World will furnish consumers with an unforgettable jewelry shopping adventure centrally located in the heart of the country. The new jewelry mall will feature major national and international brands in one locale. The enterprise has already attracted select tenants including Dia Jewels, Al-Kans, Pranda and Emeralds.
The Vardhman Group is expanding its WJR format by building 4 additional malls in and around Mumbai within the next two years, informs The Hindu News Service.


Wearing a designer outfit will have heads turning, but if you were to combine it with some exotic Jewellery, it would create a revolution. That is exactly what Roopa Vohra’s achieve for the woman who sports them. Her collection is what we say “just perfect”. It is not very expensive, nor is it low end, ideal for women who love to socialize and who work towards having a wardrobe they don’t have to repeat from.
Roopa Vohra’s Valentine collection which is fine art translated into stunning pieces of jewelry and glossed with enchantment turned the concept of love around. With her other pieces, she has managed to notch up the bar higher, giving her customers a glimpse of antique designs in modern gold pieces.
An artist at heart, she caters to those with highly evolved tastes and who value an exquisite piece of art. Her trademark: vibrant designs bursting with a synergy of gorgeous colors and enigmatic metals; a novelty akin to the glimpse of the Taj Mahal as each shimmering piece ensconces you in its aura of poignant love.
Acknowledged as a trendsetter Roopa Vohra takes inspiration from the early years; her designs are snazzy, wearable and honeyed with quaint charm. The Thewa and Naqaashi collections reflect pure Indian artistry and craftsmanship. Subtle tones of the Mughal art form of etching, and fusing glass in 23 K gold, her necklaces and earrings are one of a kind.
The stunning sparklers available in gorgeous hues of butter yellow, pistachio green, powder blue and more evoke a feeling of reverence and the couture line Cocktail flaunts the romance of colored stone with shimmering diamonds and melting gold and showcases delicately handcrafted necklaces, earrings, pendants and rings that leaves you charmed. The exclusivity of each piece coupled with en vogue detailing and stylistic workmanship simply takes your breath away!
Who would have thought that Jewellery could leave people gaping?


Israel-based diamond manufacturer Yakubov Group announced its launch of a new line of diamond jewellery, which features brilliant-cut white diamonds from 50 points to 2 carats and is handcrafted in Israel. The designs are classic rather than fashionable to suit the market demand in the present economic situation, the company added. The jewellery is set in 18-karat white or yellow gold, while platinum pieces are also available by special order.Daniel Yakubov, spokesperson of the company, said that the decision to launch a line of diamond jewellery was a natural outgrowth of the company’s diamond manufacturing activities. “We have been manufacturing diamonds for 25 years. As a diamond company we see our jewellery as a way to highlight our stones and that is why most pieces feature large centre stones. We felt that we could offer the consumer an important advantage: by buying jewellery from us - a diamond manufacturer - there is a significant price benefit. We offer original designs at affordable rates,” he said.