Monday, March 9, 2009

eco-friendly jewellery

Eco-Friendly Jewellery Designer Unveils Expansion Plans into Mumbai, India during India International Jewellery Show Renaissance Diamonds is Presenting with Gemesis, Manufacturer ofLab-Made Diamonds, an Educational Seminar on the Past, the Present &the Future of Laboratory-Created Diamond Jewellery and DiamondsBOCA RATON, Fla.--(Business Wire)--Renaissance Diamonds, the industry leader in laboratory-createddiamond jewellery, is announcing their expansion of offices to Mumbaiduring the India International Jewellery Show taking place August 7ththrough the 11th at the NSE Complex - Goregaon, Mubai, India. Duringthe event, the eco-friendly jewellery designer will also beco-sponsoring an educational seminar with Clark McEwen of Gemesis whowill explain The Past, The Present and The Future of lab-made diamondsin the jewellery industry. As wealth grows in areas such as India, China and the Middle East,Renaissance Diamonds continually seeks opportunities for theirlaboratory-created diamond jewellery collections. These countries findlab-made diamonds extremely attractive because it offers affordableluxury to a rising class of new, wealthy consumers. The Renaissancejewellery collections offer diamonds that are amongst the rarest,vivid and unique colors, have the benefit of being eco-friendly, andare at very reasonable price points. "The India International Trade Show continues to amaze exhibitorsas the growth they have shown year after year is incredible. Thewealth and stability the country has experienced is creating a hugedemand for fine laboratory-created diamond jewellery," said NeilKoppel, President and CEO of Renaissance Diamonds. "Our office inMumbai will help retailers bring these amazing lab-made diamondscloser to the consumers as demand continues to grow." The educational seminar by Renaissance Diamonds and Gemesis isscheduled to take place on August 10th - 12:30 to 2 PM at the IndiaInternational Jewellery Show. The seminar will include discussions onwhat lab-made diamonds are and how they are grown, plus identificationand lab certification. Experts will also review the commonmisconceptions of these diamonds and what business prospects thefuture holds for these precious gems. About Renaissance Diamonds: Renaissance Diamonds Inc., located in Boca Raton, FL, is creatinga new category of laboratory-created diamond jewellery that providesopportunities for wholesalers, retailers and most importantlyconsumers. We are at the forefront of what will surely be "Jewellery'sNext Wave." Renaissance is bringing about significant changes in theway consumers think, value and purchase diamonds and eco-friendlyjewellery.

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